Sunday, November 9, 2008

Day 80 in Korea.

Countdown: 35 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 884 won.
Temperature reading: 13 degree celsius.

Sian, today I slept in too late and missed the church service in the morning. I woke up @ about 2pm and had to walk to school since we got a soccer match @ 3pm and there ain't any shuttle bus. Fortunately Emma was heading to school too so we walked to Jeonmin-dong together and had short chats about ICU life. We parted ways in Jeonmin-dong because I was late for the soccer game and I couldn't have lunch with Emma and her bf, but next week we will meet for coffee @ some cafe in Dunsan area.

Due to lack of players, we started 1st half with 9 on 9. We were badly beaten due to lack of coordination between players. Everybody just want to score, but nobody wants to come back to defend. Stupid graduate students and also, the Vietnamese, though they are small in size, but they are large on attack. I was taken down twice by this shorties and one of them shouldered my chest ultra heavily. It is just a friendly match, but they treated it like death match. I was literally man handled on the pitch. What a bad day for me.

Malaz, Akmal and I went to shower and head to Jeonmin-dong for Duc-Khal-Be. We were joined by Pem and Mongista (not sure if that is the correct spelling for his name). After that, we packed our stuffs and head back to Hwaam sweet Hwaam dormitory. Chelsea versus Blackburn coming up~

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