Saturday, November 8, 2008

Day 79 in Korea.

Countdown: 36 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 884.34 won.
Temperature reading: 11 degree celsius.

Saturday is a super good day to sleep in and today was no exception. I woke up @ around 2:30pm and had my lunch in the dormitory kitchen, warming up the pizza leftover from yesterday.

Today I went to Yong Mun area with Yong Han to go explore the area. The whole area is mostly food places, so in the end, we settled @ Lotte shopping centre. We shopped in the Young Plaza department and I got myself a pink tee + a light grey cardigan. Yong Han bought a fleece for himself. We then went back to E Mart @ Dunsan-dong to do groceries shopping for tonight dinner (I am cooking yay~). Fawaz, Enazi and Akmal joined me in the shopping. We went back to Hwaam and I started cooking shortly after. I whipped up macaroni with carbonara sauce + fried eggs with onion. Surprizingly it turned out fine :) It may be a motivation to cook in the future. I wanna try new recipes out. While eating, we are eagerly watching the much anticipated match of Arsenal versus Manchester. It was a tough game, but I am glad Arsenal pulled it through, with the help of 2 goals from French man, Samir Nasri.

After the game, there were some macaroni left and so I used the remaining Prego sauce to cook something and thanks Malaz, Hussain and Azzudin for helping me finish the food. Now we are awaiting dessert from Enazi - Custards!!

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