Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day 82 in Korea.

Countdown: 33 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 899.57 won.
Temperature reading: 11 degree celsius.

Hmm, boring day in school. Game Theory class in the morning, followed by Introduction to Multimedia quiz in the noon. Talking about which, I don't even know there is a quiz today. Jialat, I think I will flunk badly, but it is only a quiz so chill :)

I had dinner with San-In in the cafeteria and played some table tennis after the meal before he made his way to his night lecture and I came back to computer room to do my Game Theory review + watch Heroes Season 3 Episode 8 (like finally) - http://www.sidereel.com/Heroes/_watchlinkviewer/22961#

Then, I met Dong Hyun (my classmate from Intro to Communication) and Enazi and we all went to Jeonmin-dong, Dasarang bar to eat pizza and drink some bar. Dong Hyun taught us some Korean and we taught his some English and Chinese, played number game and drank a whole lotta mixture of weird juices with beer and pickles *lol*

After that, I took the shuttle bus and come back to Hwaam sweet Hwaam.

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