Monday, November 3, 2008

Day 74 in Korea.

Countdown: 41 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 872.88 won.
Temperature reading: 13 degree celsius.

What a wonderful day to sleep? I promised the soccer captain that I will be there for training, but I totally missed it. Yesterday soccer match drained too much of my energy. I slept like a pig till 2:30pm before moving out to Isaac's Toast for my lunch. Hmm, the weather is beginning to turn cold, but luckily I can strut my trench coat around *lol*

I came to school to review chapter 8 of Game Theory before I cannot catch up. It is darn boring siah. I went for dinner after that @ 6pm and now I am back here slacking. No happenings for today, so I shall keep it short and sweet.

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