Saturday, October 4, 2008

Day 45 in Korea.

Countdown: 70 days.

Temperature reading: 18 degree celsius.

Haix... I think it has become a bad habit of me to sleep late and wake up late... I missed church today... Sian... So I decided to make up the day by going to school to do some self mugging and then have dinner @ Jeonmin-dong and end off my day by blogging.

I reached school @ 5pm and started to mug for Game Theory til around 6:30pm before I went to Isaac's Toast for my usual MVP Toast (2,600 won). The weather is really cold and as usual, I only strap on a tee and shorts from G2000. On the way back, I met Fawaz who was on his way to Sunny's place for dinner. He kindly invited me, which I can't refuse so I tag along. I was not disappointed. Sunny's curry masala chicken is the bomb!! I keep helping myself to more of it and I ate it in the muslim style - hands only. Afterwards I received a call from Chee Soon, reminding me of an appointment we made earlier this week!!! WTH!!! I totally forgotten about it - the Sam-Jok-Sal gang!!! Pork fest~

So I hurried and left Sunny's place to meet them @ the usual SJS place outside school. Gosh, I am eating 3 sets of dinner!! I feel so piggish, but who cares, the food is darn good.. I love Korean BBQ and I got a feeling I have to get used to Singapore food again... kekeke~ We eat and chat and drink and eat and chat and blah blah blah till 9 plus before coming back to school. Man, you guys should try authentic Korean BBQ someday

It rocks... Only thing lacking was, a cup of SOJU!!

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