Friday, October 24, 2008

Day 64 in Korea.

Countdown: 51 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 935 won.
Temperature reading: degree celsius.

Finally, thanks God it is Friday - slackiest of the 3 days of school I have. Technically, I only have 2 and a half days of classes and the rest of the week is free for all!! I meet the 10:10am bus to school (that is the trouble when you are not living on-campus, you have to adhere to some dumb bus timing. My Friday classes are both relaxing and to a certain extent, boring. Today I was shocked to see my professor putting his leg on the chair while giving the lecture. My Movie and Society class is generally shy and people don't dare to speak up or share their ideas so when my professor asked me some questions, I feel a little weird to answer because I don't want to be seen as a smug guy even though I knew the answers beforehand. Life is tough. So after class, I went to Expo Core just across Jeonmin-dong to top up my mobile since I am running low and I figured I need to use the phone heavily on weekend.

Then I came back to school's cafeteria to have lunch on my own - today's menu is Chicken Cultlet, the usual "chap cai peng" and some noodles. I chose the chicken cultlet of course, but kop some meat from the "chap cai peng" stall *lol* sneaky eh!!

I went to the computer room after lunch to chill since I got 3 hours to spare. I received email from UBS cuz I applied for summer internship there and I had to do an online numerical test, as well as a logical reasoning test. Same goes for the application of Merrill Lynch summer internship. Heard they got bought over by Bank of America. Anyway, after the tests, I went for Intro to Communication class and we are given back our test papers (woah, that is way too efficient). As I checked my score, woohoo a mixture of feelings overwhelmed me!! Unbelievable. Shocked. Excited. Exhilerated. Disbelief. Happy. Crazy etc. I got 90 out 100!! Can you believe it?? I think it is really the system here because back home, I don't think I will do so well. Korea seems to be a promising place for me to develop *lol* Next week I am tasked to lead the class as part of the presentation score that will count to our final exam, busy busy.

Enazi, Dong Hyun and I went for dinner @ the basement cafeteria and had a hearty chat about our results and discussed a little about our presentation plans as well as our next assignment. It sure was a good dinner before we parted ways. Now I am gonna watch the 3rd episode of Resident Evil - Extinction. Milla Jovovich FTW!!

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