Thursday, October 30, 2008

Day 70 in Korea.

Countdown: 45 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 991 won.
Temperature reading: 7 degree celsius.

Thursday is siong day for me. Game Theory in the morning, followed by Computer Animation in the noon and evening time. Wah, cui. Today for Game Theory, we going through chapter 8 - Mixed Strategies II in Simultaneous Move Games. This course is really good because it helps me to analyze economic situations, as well as many other scenarios where I could employ weighted probability average to second guess my competitors and to measure my payoff against theirs. Of course, to speak in such term is too simplified, much information would still be required to make sound analysis. This is so exciting. I never felt more interested in class than this before. After class, I went for lunch with Emily, Melodie and Anne. I forgotten my lunch appointment with UnI peepz. Darn. We went for SAFE meeting after lunch and we had to complete our work plan for tomorrow halloween party. We will be joined by the ICU Cocktail Club to host the party in school. I am gonna do the planning of the entrance maze. Time for some trick or treat!!

Then it was Computer Animation class and we went through some Advanced Modelling Technique. I was given a little present cuz I scored well for the so-called "Golden Bell" quiz in class last week. First time I am feeling so smart. The animations that the lecturer showed us was amazing. A simple fractal could be utilized to make some much complex stuffs for modeling. Awesome!!

Divyan wanted me to play guitar for ICF, so I agreed to help him out. It was a great session but I had to leave early for dinner and then my Computer Animation lab. Woohoo, today we learnt how to make fire, explosion, smoke effect, fireworks etc. I am gonna need them for my final project on bomber man. So far, things are looking good for me. I need to keep my work consistent and I will be back to Singapore soon before I know it. I really miss the food, my friends and family. Coming to a strange land with loads of strange people makes me feel ultra strange. I wanna come home to sunny Singapore!!

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