Thursday, October 23, 2008

Day 63 in Korea.

Countdown: 52 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 925.011 won.
Temperature reading: 18 degree celsius.

Argh, got lecture in the morning today. Sianz. I am so used to sleeping late and waking up late that it becomes a little uncomfortable to get up by 9:30am. I had to drag myself outta bed and get changed for school *yawnz*

Today Anne, Emilie and I went to the usual 507 for our class, but only to find out that they are used the classroom for an exam, so we had to clear the room and check for other locations. Just then, a unexpected figure showed up and guided us to the correct room. She is none other than Hye Ji. For the first time in my entire life did I stood rooted to the ground, dumbfounded to the core and couldn't even utter a single word of greeting. My heart pounded just a little faster than usual and as she makes her exit, I finally heave a sigh of relief. Man, I was so darn weak.

And so, the lecturer came in and lecture commenced. We went through a new chapter - Mixing Strategies and blah blah blah. I had lunch with San-In and 2 other classmates. Woohoo lunch is good, even better the one in the basement cafeteria; we have 3 options - Spaghetti in cream sauce, Rice and vermicelli or the usual mixed vegetable rice. I opt for the spaghetti and mushroom soup and yum yum, they taste ultra nice for lunch. Then it is SAFE meeting. Somehow or rather, I feel that Koreans aren't good @ setting meeting agenda. In just a short span of 30 minutes, we discussed about 4-5 subjects with nothing materializing. So I decided to step in and re-organize the agenda and suggested division of labour since it is inefficiency to have everyone doing everything. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to propagate my idea further as I have Computer Graphic lecture. We all got back our test scripts, marked and graded. When I received mine, I was just hoping for a pass, maybe a little better, but I did not expect that God is good and He provided me with a score of 77.5 out of 100. That is like an A- or B+ grade man. Wow, for a level 4 equivalent module, I have never scored such good grades before. Maybe, it is just the Korean education system. I am happy to be the top few percentile of the class. I feel so encouraged and motivated!! We went through the papers and reviewed for the chapters that were done before the mid term test before breaking off.

Since we have an early dismissal, I went to the multimedia room to borrow the 2nd and final instalment of Resident Evil. I am gonna reward myself with a lil of Milla Jovovich action :) Totally love the movie and her!! Today San-In have a dinner appointment so I have no choice but to eat myself. Then comes the last lab of the week - Computer Animation. Hmm, today we do some concrete animation and movement of body and joints. Woohoo!! Time to make my bomber man project liao!!

Time for Resident Evil 2 - Apocalypse :)

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