Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day 54 in Korea.

Countdown: 61 days.
Countdown to exams: 2 days.

Temperature reading: 22 degree celsius.

Today is a happy day for me - I managed to request for a change of room and it went through, so happily I went to shift my barang barang to the other room I allocated to. Lo and behold, a big room awaits. I can have the freedom to do whatever I want and ain't nobody is gonna disturb me or make any more noise about me playing music or watching shows in the late night :) Yahoo!!

And so I head to Jeonmin-dong for my lunch before going to school to mug for Intro to Multimedia. I don't know how I am gonna cope with 3 papers in a day, but I guess there is always a 1st time for me. The usual routine - meeting San-In for dinner and coming back to study. Basically that is how I spend the day. Nothing much to do though. Oh yah, watching Heroes Season 3 Episode 5 - Angels and Monsters.

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