Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day 69 in Korea.

Countdown: 46 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 972 won.
Temperature reading: 7 degree celsius.

Today I got 2 calls in the morning - one from Emma and the other from Emily. Emma called me to asked if I can find the other French ladies cuz Melodie is sick and she needs her insurance number. Wah!! Sounds serious but I am in my room and they probably be in school and I don't have their number. How to contact them? So I told her I will call her if I have any lead. Emily called to tell me that we had to postpone lunch to next week cuz she needs to go fix her phone, so it is good news for me. Time to sleep!!

At about 1:30pm...

I woke up finally and went to Jeonmin-dong for Vero Espresso + Isaac's Toast. Hmm a warm and tasy lunch before I kick start the day. Since today is my free day, I shall do some catching up for my Game Theory lecture cuz I didn't really understand the concepts the lecturer went through yesterday. Time flies when you are revising and before I knew it, it is already 4pm. I got changed and head onto the field for soccer game. Today was quite fun cuz we managed to do more one touch passing and down-the-flank attack/crossing. That went on to about 6pm before we call it a day. I went back to computer room to wait for San-In and we went to Cafeteria for dinner with Steve and Yong Han. We were discussing on a plan to go to Seoul some time soon and visit Appujeong (the place flooded with pretty girls; mostly plastic I heard). After dinner, I chill out with San-In @ the Munji dormitory to play table tennis.

We left the place @ 8pm and I am back here in the computer room chilling, rotting and slacking!! Time for Heroes action -

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