Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 60 in Korea.

Countdown: 55 days.

Temperature reading: 17 degree celsius.

It is an insane start to the week - 6:30am training in school amidst the fog and the ultra cold wind blowing till my whole face turned pale. Initially, it was a little biting, but training with friends and having fun, laughing, falling, doing drills and set pieces, the pain seem to be insignificant to me. After training, we went to Maronnier (actually it is the same cafeteria that I alway have my dinner in) for breakfast - lightly toasted bread, salads, eggs, french fries and Seoul milk *lol* I alway seem to get lost in the middle of a heavily Korean spammed conversation because they like to talk very fast, they like to talk very loud and I don't freaking understand the Korean language!! Imagine, someone talks and everyone looks in your direction and started laughing. Man, I can't even make out if they are making fun of me or if I did something funny to command such laughters. I am seriously being mind-manipulated.

Shortly after, we parted ways and I head into the comfort of the warm computer room to refine my term paper for Movie and Society. Lucky, I brought my takraw ball to train. Not bad; I still haven't lost my touch but I need more practise to improve on my technique + lotsa stretching since my legs and joints are getting rusty after the long term of slacking. I went back to dormitory to shower and chill @ 1pm and slept through the beautiful cool afternoon.

I woke up later again @ 6pm and had my dinner @ Jeonmin-dong, Isaac's Toast. Now, I am slacking in school, typing this boring blog cuz I don't have morning class tomorrow. Lecturer will be away conduction interview for incoming freshmen *yipee*

[Joke of the day] Ah Beng gets red ears.
Ah Beng with two red ears went to his doctor. The doctor asked him what had happened to his ears and he answered,' I was ironing a shirt and the phone ring lor- but instead of picking up the phone, I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear. So Kena lor!'
'Oh Dear!' the doctor exclaimed in disbelief. 'But, what happened to the other ear?'
Ah Beng: 'That stupid fellow called back again loh!'

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