Saturday, October 18, 2008

Day 58 in Korea.

Countdown: 57 days.

Temperature reading: degree celsius.

Hmm, today is a good day - I have no exams to worry about, I am roughly done with my term paper and it is already halfway to going back home. After being out alone for some time (without seeing any familiar faces), it can get a little lonely sometimes. I miss playing soccer/takraw late @ night in the MPSH, miss having supper @ Sheares hall or Fongseng, miss playing guitar at night and singing crazily with my dear neighbours, miss playing Winning Eleven in Joel's room and wiping my hands with his towel (Esther's gonna kill me if she sees this). Second half will begin next week, so I have time to chillax for abit before getting back on track.

Today, I went to have my Starbucks after missing it for so many weeks. I ordered the Caramel Caffe Latte and caught a public dance performance (many pretty babes eh). I played "Bomberman" on my psp for awhile before going to Vivace (the place where I bought my Ibanez guitar) to check out the pricing of gig bags and Matthew's Lakland bass and my acoustic guitar. If everything goes smoothly, I will come back to order @ the end of the month.

Later, I met Todd, Divyan, Kevin and Travis for dinner and guess what, we had Duc-khal-be and Bimbimbap... ARGH!!! I am growing sick of it, but anyway I can't complain cuz there isn't much selection of food though. Korean food are limited!! After that, we head over to Baskin' Robbin' (something like Australian Rock ice cream) to have some desserts and man, when Americans gather, it would be inevitable to hear them debate about politics back at home, the current economic situation, as well as the presidential election issues. I feel rather left out because I don't really understand the background of their entire social buildup and their long established history, so half the time I just have to pick up some general knowledge from their verbal exchange. Trust me, it ain't interesting; not for a guy like me *lol*

When they are done, I was so thankful and we hitched Divyan's car to the bus stop where we all part ways. What an eventful day!!

[Joke of the day]
Ah Beng took part in the Singapore Manhunt Competition. During the Q&A segment, the host asks, 'Name a drink that begins with the letter 'G'.'The crowd shouts, 'Gin! Gin!'. Others exclaim, 'No, its Grape Juice!' Another smart aleck yells, 'Alamak, Gatorade!'
Host: 'Quiet please.'
Ah Beng laughs hysterically like a hyena before replying: 'C'mon man, I don't need their help? I got more original answer. My answer is 'Gu ni!' (milk in Hokkien)

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