Saturday, October 11, 2008

Day 51 in Korea.

Countdown: 64 days.

Temerature reading: degree celsius.

Ah finally the weekend has arrived. I was greeted by the beautiful mid day breeze. I woke up at around 12pm and meet Yong Han @ 2:30pm before we took a bus down to UnHeng-dong. Man, that is like the Orchard Road of Daejeon city. The streets are bustling with loads of people and many shops for you to choose from - fashion, footwears, body shop, restaurants and entertainments. Woohoo, suddenly the grass seems to be greener on this side of the city. We walked around, taking photos and eating this 13cm tall ice cream (vanilla/chocolate mixed) and shopping all around for my Adidas jacket. Finally, we decided to go back to Galleria to shop since I can get DFS (duty-free shopping) there. I bought a BeckenBauer TT design Adidas jacket (can you guess which of the 3 jackets I chose?), Yong Han got his Giordano jacket and tee and we both headed back to Jeonmind-dong. He was supposed to meet Jong Tak Chong for dinner and discussion, but because he was hanging out with me, they changed plans and end up, Yong Han and I went to have duc-khal-be dinner!! Woohoo~ My best meal of the week (considering I have been having bland food for the week).

So then, we came back to school

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