Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day 68 in Korea

Countdown: 47 days.

Currency exchange: SGD 1 to won.

Temperature reading: 7 degree celsius.

*uGh* what a tiring day. I think my biological clock is constantly changing and sometimes I can sleep early, but other days, I just can't sleep till wee hours in the morning. I slept @ 4am and woke up @ 9:50am. Uber shagged and tired and fatigue is kicking in. I reached school @ 10:20am and bought myself a cup of coffee before attending Game Theory. We received our quiz result and shite~ I got 20 out of 100 points. Ultimate cui~

I went for lunch with Anne and Emilie in the cafeteria and discussed about our results and all of us are worried stiff. After lunch, I went to chill out @ my favourite hangout spot in school - the computer room. I spoke with this classmate that I haven't even spoke with since the start of our multimedia class till now and I only realized last Friday that he is also in my Movie and Soc class. His name is Paul Han. He looks a little metrosexual so girls definitely would like him alot. I met his friend Joo Yan, who is, in my honest opinion, a little too HOT to be an engineering student. We spoke a little about Seoul and its major shopping places cuz both of them are originally from Seoul. They recommended me some places to go to catch nice clothings and young ladies *lol*

Then, I went for the most boring and my last lecture for the day - Intro to Multimedia. The guy is a mumble fumble (he talks as though he is talking to himself). Darn! The lecture was supposed to be 1.5 hour but this incredible dude took 1 hour to explain JPEG Compression till everyone wanna koon already. He finally stopped the class in 1 hour time and let us have an early dismissal. So I went back to computer room to read up on the Game Theory lecture cuz a little chim and I want to try to understand it so I won't have difficulty for my final exam.

San-In came @ 6pm as usual and we head over to the cafeteria for dinner. Song Jin and Ha Mok joined us shortly after and we chit chatted a little, destress and joke about Chong Tak Chong (poor dude). I parted ways with them @ the pyramid and went off to buy my oreo ice cream. Now I am back in the computer room chilling and slacking and maybe, I will watch We Got Married Episode 29 now.


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