Sunday, October 19, 2008

Day 59 in Korea.

Countdown: 56 days.

Temperature reading: 17 degree celsius.

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful smile and of course, a beautiful breakfast. I only had the former *lol* So Divyan came to pick me up to go to church on Sunday and I got all dressed up and ready to go. We had a wonderful fellowship with the people and I managed to chat a little with this lady, Natasha, who is from Indonesia and she is planning to do MBA in NUS after she graduated from college here. After church, Travis and I went for lunch at the food court in Galleria and coffee @ Starbucks and we chatted a little before parting ways in Dunsan-dong. There I picked up a pair of crystal ear stuarts and then onto bus 750 back to ICU. Along the way, I saw this cute little white furry doggy and so I took photo of it. Poor fella, lying on the street in the middle of the cold weather with only a small house to live in. I wish I could take him home with me.

Anyway, I feel so burnt out today cuz I slept late last night (again) due to Arsenal versus Everton match. Woohoo, freaking whoop their butts 3-1. Sad news is the other Big 3 - Liverpool, Chelsea and Manchester also won their games, so it is back to square one. Argh! Back in school, the best (and probably the warmest) place to hang out is the computer room. I brought along the dvd I loaned from the multimedia room. It is entitled - The Happy Life, a super meaningful and non-lame comedy. I would rate it 3 and a half star out of 5.

Sang-woo, the leader of college rock band Active Volcano, dies and sets up a reunion for Gi-yeong and the other members of the group. Former bass player Seong-wook lives a hand-to-mouth existence working two jobs. Drummer Hyeok-su is a single father struggling to make a living as a car salesman. The jobless lead guitarist Gi-yeong dreams of taking over Active Volcano as the new frontman. When he suggests they reform the band while the old friends reminisce at the funeral, they all spurn the idea. But Gi-yeong persists and gets each to relent, setting the stage for a rock and roll reunion.

[Joke of the day]
Ah Beng had just bought a new computer and was using it when he encountered some problems. After a few attempts, he decided to use the 'Help' command. Soon after, he became very irritated and called the computer shop for support.
Ah Beng : 'I pressed the 'F1' key for help... but it's been over half an hour & still nobody has come to help me....'

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