Friday, October 10, 2008

Day 50 in Korea.

Countdown: 65 days.

Temperature reading: 11 degree celsius.

Today is what I would call an outbreak of personal limits. Something so intense and sensitive happened that really triggered me off. I won't be blogging about my day because my day has been destroyed by this ****ed up pest whom I have been living with for the past 49 days. I was trying to be nice, but like the good ol' saying, good doesn't always beget good!!

This post will be more like a case study basis and you guys can feel free to leave me a tag to let me know what I should do because it is the 1st time I am driven up the wall, not because I can't solve the problem, but because of the severe language barrier I have with this ***hole.

[Situation #1]
I was watching a Korean tv series @ night. It wasn't loud and I was just concentrating. The show was really damn funny and I emitted intermittence laughters. Suddenly, a jackass sneaked up on me and "boo"ed me. Man, that guy really pushed me hard. I was thinking, "why would you do that when I am watching show." He told me "oh, I was just kidding." Brushing it aside, I continue to watch my show and this time, I irritated him back by turning the volume a little louder for awhile and softening it.

How would you like a person to sneak up on you and push you in the middle of the night when you are enjoying a nice show? Food for thought.

[Situation #2]
My room mate is gonna sleep, so as an act of kindness, I switched off his side of the light and lower the volume. He started to throw a tantrum - asking me to switch off all the lights, including the toilet light and close the door. Dammit. I don't like to close the door when I am awake (claustrophobic I guess) and I don't understand why must we switch off all the lights. He then took his mat and lie in front of the door in order to make me close the door. What the heck?? When you sleep, would you even notice if the day is open? I already agreed to switch off all the lights, but he just wouldn't compromise.

What would you do? (considering I have never stayed in a 2-room sharing my 2 years in KR).

[Situation #3]
This is the best in history ever. He suddenly pinched the back of my arm so hard, it actually hurts. So I was really damn pissed and I asked him nicely, "why did you do this?" Guess what, he gave me the most innocent looking face in the world and not answering my question. I gave him a serious look and asked the second time, the third time, the fourth time and the fifth time. All of which met no reply. Finally, in order to brush me aside, he said "I was just kidding, ok?" Instantly, a palm went right to his face without warning. Here is kidding from me, how you like me now?
Imagine a pathetic Mongolian bugger who cannot own up to his action. Welcome to Muugii's world.

[Situation #4]
Fall season is nearing winter so it is getting cold, especially at night. The best place to go to is your room where you can stay within the confine of its warmth. A certain bugger opened the window and he put on a jacket IN THE ROOM. I was just wearing a singlet, as usual a Singaporean guy would. I told him, "it is cold" and a cold reply came right back, "but it is warm." Instantly, I mind-murdered this dude. In my head, alot of thoughts went through and one of them was, why would any dumb ass open the window when it is so cold (we are talking around 13-15 degrees) and wears jacket in the room? Doesn't he has any sense at all?
If you want to meet one person who likes to do the stupidest thing beyond your wildest imagination, I would like to introduce you to my friend - Muugii.

[Situation #5]
It was 6am in the morning. I heard my room mate going to the toilet to take a leak. After that he left the toilet lights on, play with the room lights (on and off and on them) and left them on. He even opened the window and went back to bed, hiding underneath his blanket. I woke up 10 minutes afterwards because the light was disturbing my sleep, so I went to off it, and close the window and asked him, "why did you leave the room and toilet lights on?" The most classique reply, "I was dreaming." How would you want me to respond? Can any of you believe him? I can't, but maybe his people can.

Have you ever seen a sleepwalker in your entire life before? I am living next to one, a Mongolian one.

There are many smaller instances, but I guess I just leave them out for the sake of not boring anyone out. I am going crazy day by day with this maniac driving me nuts. If someone out there can feel my pain, please help prescribe some remedy for me. I am dying of patience.

Moving on to Heroes Season 3 Episode 4 -

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