Monday, October 13, 2008

Day 53 in Korea.

Countdown: 62 days.
Countdown to exams: 3 days.

Temperature reading: 15 degree celsius.

Today is finally the beginning of mid term week. All my past week of effort will be realized since the anticipation from last week. I checked my mail today, but to my dismay, 1 of my exam will be pushed to Thursday so now I have a super heavy Thursday to handle - 3 papers in one day. Never in history have I faced with such a problem before. Ottokay?

With that heavy heart, I left for Expo Core to check on my account balance. Hmm, healthy balances, so it is good. I went back to Isaac's Toast to have my MVP Toast cuz I haven't been there in a while and I missed the fragrance of the toasted bread and juices. Just before I left, a Korean middle school student offered me a cup of drink and spoke with me in Korean, but I was clueless with what she was saying, but I replied politely like I knew what she was saying and there was an awkward silence for awhile *lol* Whatever it is, it tells me two things - 1. I probably should really go brush up my Korean language; 2. I probably am still attractive enough to attract young Korean girls;

It is back to the lifeless mugging in school again and I met San-In, so we went to cafeteria and have dinner. Today menu is "Korean pizza" and omelette with rice and got free "Yakult" giveaway with every feedback form filled!! Ho seh ah. Later I went to buy ice cream and yum yum before going back to computer room to study. This is super draggy and crazy.

3 more days to my exams. Please come faster. I have enough of mugging liao~

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