Sunday, October 12, 2008

Day 52 in Korea.

Countdown: 63 days.

Temperature reading: 6 degree celsius.

Ah, a beautiful cool morning with a friendly wake up call from Divyan to go to church. I swiftly change out into my new outfit (Adidas Beckenbauer replica jacket) and hitch a ride to Sae Ro Nam church where I meet all my friends from different countries again. I had a great time enjoying their fellowship before making way back to school for a 4 hours make up lecture (YES MAKE UP LECTURE). School on Sunday? Hmm, only happens in Korea!!

But as usual, lecturer comes and class still have to go. We went through mid term topics and covered some that has not been covered yet. Time flew really when you don't notice it. I met Yong Han, Ha Mok, Song jin, Tok Chong and Steve for dinner @ the school cafeteria. Ah, the food still taste bland as ever (missing the duc-khal-be I ate yesterday). We ate and talked about mid term exams next week and everyone suddenly like sian1/2, but it is good cuz if exams don't come, how do they go then?

Hmm looks like it is back to lifeless mugging for me on a Sunday evening. Good bye week #7 and welcome week #8.

I happen to chance upon this video by this talented "Avril Lavigne" of Korea. Check her out - Younha!!

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